BCM Commercial has played a major role in bringing expertise and a breath of services in several public and government projects throughout Missouri including: Local Municipalities, County/State Governments, Law Enforcement Agencies, Utility Districts, MODOT, and Fire/EMS Districts.

Woodcrest Chapel

We have supplied multiple projects over the years.  Hollow metal jambs, Timely jambs, flush oak doors, light kits and hardware.  We developed a key system for the entire campus.  We regularly supply matching product for maintenance and alterations.... View Project

Columbia Fire Station #9

This Lead certified project used Marvin Windows, welded hollow metal frames, wood doors and wood mouldings.  It had a custom key system.... View Project

Grace Bible Church

This was a "ground up" multi-phase project. The initial phase called for welded hollow-metal frames, prefinished flush Oak doors, and all the required hardware. On the second phase, we supplied welded hollow-metal frames and borrowed lites with Select White Birch doors. Phase two hardware and keying was coordinated to function with that of phase one.... View Project